Thursday, May 10, 2007

IBM's use of virtual worlds, Roo Reynolds

Talking about 3D Virt Worlds within the context of the Web2.0 social and interactive space.
Web 2.0 is an attitude - not a technology. (Ian Davis)
It's about: participation, soc net, user generating.
"Flickr's not about my photos, but my friend's photos."
Some 3D Virtual Worlds: Gogofrog; 3B (bring your web site into the world. It's really important you can see your avatars and those of others. You see people looking at your site and talk to them about your shared interest); Cyworld (like MySpace with avatars); Habo Hotel;; Active Worlds; Kaneva; Sony PS Home(a meeting place rather than a creating place); Croquet; Ogoglio City; EVE Online (it's a game but a soc space where you play with your friends, conversing, like playing golf with afriend socially).
IBM Innovation Jam (brainstorm) - funding for a 3D Internet.
A lot of IBMers have been meeting informally in SL. (3,000, about 1% of IBM).
A world wide opportunity - you can see the network due to the proximity of the avatars and the patterns of groupings in meetings and post meetings.
"Land is cheap!" The IBM have a 'continent's' worth of islands/sims.
They buy a lot of stuff to support the community rather than build.
They have very big auditoriums for lectures, but it's the social things that are much more interesting.
IBM runs Alumni events - we could.
The back channel potential is good.
Showed the redopsim molecule. A fantastic model of a real molecule that you can climb about on.
RR: "I like the idea of rehearsal - SL supports that gradual process of learning on the job in a safe way."
see blogging on 3DVWs

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