Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Using Computer-Simulated Case-Based Scenarios to Improve Learning

David M. Segal, Assistant Professor, College of Health & Public Affairs, University of Central Florida
Abstract: An online virtual case-based management system was developed to provide an interactive learning portal using simulated case scenarios, collaborative learning, decision support, and real-time assessment of student motivation and decision skills. Learn how to dynamically create and implement online case scenarios using virtual characters, speech, and other media-rich content.
My notes:
Case Based Learning allows students to focus on processing skills rather than teacher content.
How can technology mediate this?
A range of technologies: paper, word, powerpoint, wimba, animations, immersive worlds, mannequins, etc
(But) the focus can become more technology than content.
CBL supports most of Blooms Taxonomy.
How do you design CBL? Start with outcomes eg proficiency with content, critical thinking, evaluation, etc
Attributes of CBL: Relevant, Relealism, Engagement, Challenge (useful words for media interventions) Good diagram that I'll have to revisit. It describes how each of these attributes can be managed to heighten the learning experience.
Using a CBL system called My CaseSpace (portal). You can interrogate patients (subjects) by selecting patients in a line up (waiting room). There are various types of data behind each patient case (lab tests, histories, physical examination notes, etc, etc). Student has to propose a diagnosis by examining all of this data and then recommend a treatment.
At the end students can feedback on the exercice and play a video feedback file on the case.
This system (My CaseSpace) was developed by David himself using ASP and MySQL.
Someone asks: how long does it take to develop a case? - with all content ready it takes 15 minutes to assemble it.
UW-Madison has open source case tool under development - must look out for it.
A lot of people seem to be interested in having a CBL system. (follow up: engage.wisc.edu/software/csb)
The system was developed with no funding from his uni - he's made a great tool as a lone ranger. Is this good? People like this will build before they even look for existing tools perhaps. We shouldn't feel so bad for him.
University of Huddersfield (I think - http://www.hud.ac.uk/cbl/) have a CBL tool I saw a few years ago.
I'm impressed by CBL approaches across the curriculum.
Question: have you found differences in responses between human and cartoon avatars?
Students relate better to real human pix that cartoon semi-realistic avatars.


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